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The #1 reason traders struggle with mindset

Here’s the number one reason why traders struggle with trading psychology.

They think that learning it on a logical level is all that’s required.

Let me explain…

Traders will listen to Mark Douglas’s lectures on repeat.

And create a long list of trading rules that they will follow.

But when they’re in front of the charts and in the heat of the moment…

These traders still over-leverage, revenge trade and chase price.

They know logically that it’s the wrong thing to do.

But they do it anyway.


Because the emotional side of their brain took over.

And when that happens, it overrides any logic that they know to be true.

Most traders have no idea that this is what’s going on.

So they dive deeper into the logical side of trading psychology to try and resolve their issues.

But until they can start learning how to manage their emotions in real time…

They’ll just continue spinning their wheels and not making any real progress.

“So how do I manage my emotions in real time?”

Well, that’s exactly what I want to share with you today.

It’s the technique I personally use to keep my emotions under control while I’m in front of the charts.

It works by using certain feedback loops to ‘catch myself’ and remain in a logical state.

So I can stick to my trading plan and follow my rules without the emotional side of my brain taking over. => Uncover my go-to technique for effectively managing my emotions while trading.