Navigate The Financial Markets With A Professional Money Manager

3 Key Elements Missing From Traditional Trading Education


Very few education companies have professional money managers who can back up what they teach.

I’m 5 time undefeated live trade-off winner at the London Forex Show, featured on the BBC documentary ‘Traders millions by the minute’ and continue to put my neck on the line every day of the year.

Real Trading

Members can access my live trading room and mobile app to see all my trades as I take them live.

And if they want a more hands-off approach…

They can also have their trading account professionally managed for them by copy-trading my aggressive challenge account (*regulated by London & Eastern – see bottom of page).

Class Leading Education

I’m a fully authorised money manager who’s been trading the markets for over 27 years.

And during that time, I’ve also completed trading challenges, won trading competitions and managed money.

This has given me a wealth of knowledge to help traders take their trading performance to a professional level.

Here’s What My Members Have Access To


Trading Masterclass Series

My masterclass series gives you all the trading knowledge I’ve gained over my trading career. From this course alone, you’ll see all the tools, mindset hacks and strategies that I use to trade the markets.


Private Trading Community

Inside my community, you get direct access to me via the trading room and my mobile app to get all your questions answered. Plus, you can also join all the exclusive training sessions hosted by me or my senior members.

Trading room

Live Trading Room

In the live trading room, you get to see all my technical market analysis as well as all my trades as I take them. And if you’re unable to attend the live session, you’ll be able to access all the recordings.

Automated trading

Automated Trading Software

Create your own trading system with my automated trading software powered by artificial intelligence. Just specify your preferred trading parameters, run efficient backtests within 30 second, and when you’re ready, connect it to your account.

Challenge account

Challenge Account

Connect your trading account to my aggressive trading challenge account so you can automatically copy all the trades that I take. *This account is authorised under the umbrella of London & Eastern LLC, a firm regulated by the FCA.

A Typical Week Inside The Trading Community


These trading room sessions are all about giving my members real-time coaching as we navigate through each trading day.

Each week’s schedule will vary slightly depending on the calendar for that week.

But most days start off with the early analysis session where I run through the key markets for the day and the potential setups that I’m looking at.

From there, we dive into several other trading and training sessions such as:

Technical training sessions

Mindset sessions

News release sessions

Swing trading sessions

Open mic sessions

And much more!

Keep in mind that all sessions are recorded and all my trade updates are posted to my mobile app.

So even if you can’t attend live…

You can catch up whenever you can, plus you’ll still be notified in real-time about my trading activity.

My Trading Documentary With The BBC

Charlie at monitors

This is the BBC documentary that made me a well-known figure in the trading industry.

It’s called “Traders: Millions By The Minute”.

And it shows a behind-the-scenes look at the lives of retail traders in Britain – myself included.

In the documentary, you’ll see how I go about trading on a day-to-day basis.

And you’ll also get to see me trading GBPUSD live during a UK unemployment rate news release.

How To Kick-Start Your Trading Journey With Charlie Burton Trading

Sign Up Below To Get My Raw, Unfiltered Truth About Trading For A Living

Join My Gold Membership

Join my flagship membership tier where I share:

All the trading knowledge that I’ve gained.

All my live trading sessions.

The ability to copy-trade my challenge account*



CBT has an amazing community of Traders in the Trading Room headed by Charlie who is a genuine successful trader. His education is absolutely the best with easy-to-follow strategies. I’ve now been with Charlie for 12 plus years and can’t recommend him as an educator enough.


I had been trading markets for at least 2 years part-time and then 1 year full-time, before I had enough of blowing my accounts. I have also attended a week’s class in London which cost me over £1000 and paid for signal software which cost £3500. I have also joined other trading providers on a monthly payment plan to learn. After joining CBT it was like nothing else I had tried or seen, Charlie is the real deal, and is totally transparent, no gimmicks. The lessons are easy to follow and only after a few weeks I felt I have learnt so much, that alone is worth thousands. Then you have the live sessions, which Charlie and other traders share their knowledge live and what trades they are looking to take, you learn exactly how full-time, profitable traders with decades of experience trade. If you are serious about learning to trade then look no further! I can only count myself lucky I found CBT.


Since joining Charlie’s community several years ago, I have completely transformed as a trader. When I joined, I knew little about trading, but the learning material and live sessions in the trading room were everything I needed to begin my journey as a successful trader. I can’t thank Charlie enough for everything he’s done for me on this trading journey, he has shown me the tools and mindset required to be consistently successful in this business. The senior traders in the community also provide excellent sessions in the trading room. It is truly a privilege to be part of a community with the wealth of knowledge and experience that Charlie and the team provide.


Best trading educator out there. I spent a number of years listening to various traders, but it wasn’t until I found Charlie that my trading and profitability improved. Charlie’s straight talking and honest style is refreshing and easy to understand. Also, his systems of trading are simple to learn but he also guides the traders in the room through the many mindset hurdles that trip everyone up. Any suggestions? No…… it’s all good!


Charlie has loads of passion and puts so much time into his community and REALLY cares! He is supported by some members that have been with him for years. Between them all they have so much experience in all aspects of trading, especially the most important – psychology. Charlie repeats the psychology so much it gradually goes in and helps you approach your trades and brush off the losers. He is on the mic for several hours a day most days, and when he is not around one or more of his trusted sidekicks are around to cover with their own take on the markets.


I would highly recommend CBT to anyone who is serious about trading long term. I joined just over a year ago as a profitable trader, yet I have still learnt and improved so much since joining the community. Charlie is a highly experienced trader and a great teacher, hosting a variety of sessions every week covering many different aspects of trading. In addition, there are group of other senior traders who host sessions, each with their own areas of expertise covering market fundamentals, technical sessions, mindset and everything in between. The community itself is also invaluable. It is so reassuring to see other traders going through similar experiences, to know you’re not alone in your approach to the market, or in your mindset struggles, which inevitably happen.


I would like to provide a positive review for Charlie and their services as a Trading Mentor. Joining in July 2022, I had previously experienced a terrible period where I had blown up my entire trading account and was feeling incredibly depressed. Fortunately, Charlie came into my life at just the right time. Upon joining and attending some of their sessions, particularly the mindset-focused ones, I came to a crucial realisation. The root of my problem wasn’t my trading strategy but rather my mindset. Over the course of nearly a year, I have undergone a significant transformation. I feel like a completely different person, and in a much better way. Charlie’s guidance and teachings have helped me shift my perspective, allowing me to overcome the mental barriers that were hindering my progress. Understanding the importance of mindset has been a game-changer for me. Additionally, I greatly appreciate the supportive community that Charlie has fostered. The regular seasons and the engaged community members have played a vital role in keeping me on track. Being part of such an environment has been invaluable for my growth as a trader. I wholeheartedly recommend Charlie as a Trading Mentor to anyone who is seeking guidance and support on their trading journey. Their focus on mindset and the inclusive community they have built have been instrumental in helping me turn my trading around and achieve personal growth.


I’ve been a pupil of Charlie’s for over a decade on and off. I keep coming back because I know that he educates you to trade sustainably, without blowing up your account. His patience, willingness to help educate others, and transparency as to the realities of trading by openly showing ALL his trades – wins and losses – as well as the amazing community he’s built makes him a unique quantity. To add to that, he is supported by a marvellous team of ex-pupils and community members: Maverick with decades of institutional commercial trading experience providing an encyclopaedic amount of information on the markets, Shelly with her practical, no nonsense trading as a continual learning journey, Big Al with his great mindset advice from his unique perspective to full time trading, Beamer and his journey coping with trading and full-time working (a great addition), as well as the odd guest speaker. A great mix as you’ll learn something from each of them. Thank you everyone as I learn from all of you!


Since joining CBT, I’m being educated to become a better trader every week by considering so many more factors. The upside, the downside, the potential of risk and mitigation, economic policies on a global scale, and how they affect the markets, psychological aspects and trade plans. Charlie and the team are fantastic in their approach to trading and genuinely nice people to talk to. I feel thankful to be part of this community. Keep up the great work.